Sunday, 5 April 2015

not exactly day one

Hello, welcome! If anyone's actually reading this, anyway ;) If you haven't already, why not check out a little bit about me, and why I'm writing this blog? It'd save a whole load of your time for me not to have to explain it all over, I promise.

So today is Easter. The day of, in most households, I can imagine, chocolate and treats. It is in ours, at least. I'm not going to lie, I've eaten my fair share today, but that's also been balanced out with a fair amount of fruit, so all is not lost.

I actually managed to complete all of Cassey's videos today, without having to substitute any! This is the first time that's happened in a long while. I did Fun Indoor Cardio, which has got to be one of my favourite cardio videos of hers. It never fails to get me smiling. I then completed Killer Legs, Long Lean Legs (which absolutely killed me, but I love it!), Perfect Legs and 3 Minute Thighs, followed by the arm challenge (3 sets).

I love working legs. Whether it's because I'm a dancer, and use my legs all the time anyway, or just because it's fun, I don't know. They're stronger than they are flexible, let me tell you.

I was also going to give yoga a go today, but in the end, I didn't. You know why? Time. I always seem to leave my workouts until after I've eaten dinner, which may not be the best for me, but is usually the only time I have left in the day. Hm, there's always tomorrow! In the meantime, here's a motivational quote!

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