Monday, 27 April 2015

jelly legs

I pulled myself together today and, in the spare five minutes I had just before dance, I did Cassey's new I Really Like You Squat Challenge. This was a mistake; I should have waited until afterwards! Ohmygosh, my legs haven't died like that in the longest time! That may be because I've not done any of Cassey's videos in a while, or maybe just because it was such a good workout! Either way, I really enjoyed it!

Dance itself was such a great source of cardio tonight; our current routine is so fast and crazily fun, that I was dripping with sweat before the hour was up! Afterwards, I saw the two really cute guys who go to a running class at the same time as mine, so I'll bet I looked just perfectly gross to them! ;)


  1. I love your new blog! ^_^ Just wondering: did you completely abandon your old blog, or will you go on both blogs for different topics?

    1. Aw thank you so much! I hope to post more on my old one, but right now I'm having to do so much revision for my GCSEs! I hope to be back to normal over summer:)
