Sunday, 26 April 2015

breathing room

And I'm back! These past couple of weeks have been immensely busy for a number of reasons, thus meaning I couldn't really work out or even attempt to write anything for you. I'd like to take a minute to talk about these things, since they're pretty much the most important things that have happened to me for quite a while.

On April 11 my dance group had the opportunity to dance at the Indigo at the O2 in London. We performed two six-minute street dances, as the host group was Street Dance International. We got to meet so many other amazing dancers, and watch some of the most incredible performances I've ever seen!

It's watching these crews dancing together, with their coordination and teamwork, that you begin to appeciate their incredible talent that little bit more. It's amazing what you can do with that level of trust and respect you have with each other; it's what really makes everything start to get into sync and look just that teeny bit more professional. I walked out of there that night with the biggest smile on my face; partially from pride - I mean, I'd just danced at the O2, in London! - and partially from the level of inspiration I was feeling. It was all just so surreal.

Professionalism is also something that is taken very seriously in the dance world, as it is anywhere I suppose. Without going into too much detail, one of our dancers, who just so happens to choreograph quite a chunk of our routines, obviously with help from his peers, and who also does the coolest flips and flicks, had become injured just a few days before the show, and so couldn't even stand up, let alone dance. We Facetimed him the whole while we danced and were backstage, showing him the routines from the wings and he also got to speak to the compare, a triple world champion called Tega. I'm proud to say that I think we did him proud!

The next event took place last weekend, on Sunday April 19. We took ourselves to the local college and performed for the Segway Polo Finals (I think!). It was crazy, we were being filmed, and even Amy Williams - yes, the Olympic Gold medalist! - was there taking part. In the polo of course, not our dancing ;) That, again, was an amazing experience in itself, and I'm proud to have been part of it!

The final big thing for me was last night. I had my year 11 prom, which meant that (almost) my whole school year dressed up all formally and had a big dance. Yet again, I'm not going to go into too much detail, but I loved every minute of it! There were limos, motorbikes, tractors, mobility scooters, Ferrari's, tanks, Hummer limos and a whole variety of beautiful old cars! And the dresses! Wow, oh wow! The girls all looked stunning! Also, let's not forget the guys; they all scrub up pretty well! A couple in particular ;) And now for some of the pictures!

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